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John Heep

Sales Associate

John is the president of John W. Heep & Associates Inc, and the Legislative District 22 area manager and precinct and state committeeman. John is on the Arizona State University Industrial Automation Advisory Board, and a board member of the Sun City West Republican Club and is an associate member of the Arrowhead Republican Women. John was on the Maricopa County Community College District Governing Board, elected to the Budget Committee and Finance Audit Committee, from 2015 to 2016; and was a precinct captain from 2015 to 2016.
John is affiliated with the Rotary Club, AIIM, COMTEC (previous national board member), Photographic Scientists and Engineers (previous vice president of the National Board), ARMA, World Medical Robotics, Consumer Electronics InfoComm, NAB, PMA, AMA, RSNA, Storage Networking, and AMIA.


John Heep
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